5 Must Read Books for Caregivers

One of the things that can make being a caregiver to an older adult easier is educating yourself. However, it may not be enough just to learn about the condition your aging family member has. You might also find it helpful and even uplifting to read books on being a caregiver. There are lots of books available that provide practical advice, share stories of other caregivers, or can help you deal with the difficult emotions that come with being a caregiver. Below are 5 books that should be on the TBR lists of caregivers.


Elder Care in Murray UT: Books for Caregivers

Elder Care in Murray UT: Books for Caregivers


The 36-Hour Day by Nancy L. Mace and Peter V. Rabins

This book is especially for caregivers dealing with Alzheimer’s disease, memory loss, or dementia. It’s a “how to” manual that offers tips for handling certain situations and improving the quality of life for older adults. It also addresses caregiver emotions and concerns. There are rave reviews for this book on Amazon (82 percent are 5 stars!). Some reviewers report that the book was recommended by a neurologist.


Can’t We Talk About Something More Pleasant? by Roz Chast

In this memoir, the author tackles the difficult subject of caring for parents who are aging. The book uses a mix of cartoons, photos, documents, and the author’s own words to talk about her experiences with her father’s dementia and her mother’s sometimes overbearing ways. “Goodreads” describes it as “both comfort and comic relief for anyone experiencing the life-altering loss of elderly parents.”


Meditations for Caregivers by Barry J. Jacobs & Julia L. Mayer

Put out by AARP, this book offers meditations on topics that affect caregivers, including managing stress, getting support, and dealing with feelings. Each chapter includes a story from the author’s own life that addresses the topic as well as practical or psychological advice.


The Complete Eldercare Planner: Where to Start, Which Questions to Ask, and How to Find Help by Joy Loverde

Described as “the only guide you’ll ever need to manage the care of your aging family,” this book offers advice on how to organize caregiving tasks to help you balance the rest of your life, including work and family, with being a caregiver. Readers also get Internet access to downloadable documents, checklists, and worksheets.


No Saints Around Here: A Caregiver’s Days by Susan Allen Toth

This book describes the authors’ role as a caregiver to her husband during the last 18 months of his life. The book is told in episodes that speak honestly about what it was like to live with a spouse who had Parkinson’s disease, including the funny moments and the moments of deep loneliness and darkness.


Are you or a loved one considering hiring Elder Care in Murry, UT? Please talk to the friendly staff at December Rose Senior Care at Home. Providing Home Care in Highland, Utah and Surrounding Communities. 801-427-ROSE (7673)

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