Grumpy moods are a regular part of life, even for your aging family member. It’s how you respond to it that can make all the difference for both of you.


Home Health Care in Draper UT: Grumpy Family Member

Home Health Care in Draper UT: Grumpy Family Member


Try Not to Take it Personally

The first step in managing someone else’s grumpiness is to remind yourself that it doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with you. It’s hard to remember that as a caregiver sometimes because you’re right there with your aging family member and working to take care of her needs. So the idea that her mood doesn’t have anything to do with you might feel odd at first.


See if You Can Figure out a Cause

Sometimes people are in a bad mood just because they are. But if you haven’t asked your senior what might be behind her mood, you might not be able to guess on your own. Guessing can take you down the wrong path entirely, especially if what your senior is upset about is something emotional.


Let Her Know You’re There for Her

It’s crucial to let your elderly family member know that you’re there for her, no matter what her mood is. Sometimes people get so wrapped up in what they’re feeling that they experiment with pushing people away. But just as you’re there for whatever health needs she has, you need to let her know that you’re not scared off by a little grumpiness, either.


Don’t Push Too Hard

There comes a point where you might need to just back away for a little while. In fact, it can do you both some good to take some time away from each other. Hire elder care providers and take some respite time. You’ll have the benefit of enjoying some time away for yourself and your senior might be in a much different mood when you return.


Keep Your Sense of Humor Ready

When you’re remembering that it’s not about you and you’ve done everything else that you can do, all you can do from there is to try to use your sense of humor. The idea isn’t for you to laugh at your senior; instead, you’re making sure that she’s on the inside of the joke with you. If you can help her to laugh, you might be able to help her to shake her mood.

You can only do so much about your senior’s moods. If you suspect that there’s a medical cause for how she’s feeling, make an appointment with her doctor. From there you can start to put solutions in place to solve the underlying issues.


Are you or a loved one considering hiring Home Health Care in Draper, UT? Please talk to the friendly staff at December Rose Senior Care at Home. Providing Home Care in Highland, Utah and Surrounding Communities. 801-427-ROSE (7673)

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